Doctor Inevitable's Solutions

Browse the "Problems" below to find Doctor Inevitable's Solution.
The answers appear below.

To use the Gadget above requires code being entered in both the head and Widget/HTML Element


Open Settings and place this code in the edit head section


<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function showFAQ(form) {
form.answer.value = form.question.options[form.question.selectedIndex].value;
// -->



Now add a new Widget/HTML element on the page and location desired.

Enter this code into the element


    <form name="faqform" id="faqform">
        <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
            <tr bgcolor="#C0C0C0">
                <td align="center">
                    <font face="Arial" size="+1" color="#FFFFFF"><b>Doctor Inevitable's Solutions</b></font>

            <tr bgcolor="#80FFFF">
                    <font face="verdana,arial" size="-1"><br /></font>
                        <font face="verdana,arial" size="-1">Browse the "Problems" below to find Doctor Inevitable's Solution.</font>
                        <div style="margin-left: 2em">
                            <font face="verdana,arial" size="-1"><select size="20" name="question" onchange="javascript:showFAQ(this.form);">
                                <option value="Solution A">
                                    &#160;&#160;&#160;--&gt;&#160;&#160;Problem 1
                                <option value="Solution B">
                                    &#160;&#160;&#160;--&gt;&#160;&#160;Problem 2
                                <option value="Solution C">
                                    &#160;&#160;&#160;--&gt;&#160;&#160;Problem 3
                                <option value="Solution D">
                                    &#160;&#160;&#160;--&gt;&#160;&#160;Really Big Problem
                                <option value="Solution E">
                                    &#160;&#160;&#160;--&gt;&#160;&#160;Rather Large Problem
                                <option value="Solution F">
                                    &#160;&#160;&#160;--&gt;&#160;&#160;Sort of Awkward Problem
                                <option value="Solution G">
                                    &#160;&#160;&#160;--&gt;&#160;&#160;Massive Problem
                                <option value="Solution H">
                                    &#160;&#160;&#160;--&gt;&#160;&#160;Terrible Problem
                                <option value="Solution I">
                                <option value="Solution J">
                                <option value="Solution K">
                                <option value="Solution L">
                                <option value="Solution M">
                                <option value="Solution N">
                                <option value="Solution O">
                                <option value="Solution P">
                                <option value="Solution Q">
                                <option value="Solution R">
                                <option value="Solution S">
                                <option value="Solution T">

                            <font face="verdana,arial" size="-1">The answers appear below.</font>
                                <div style="margin-left: 2em">
                                    <font face="verdana,arial" size="-1">
                                    <textarea name="answer" rows="15" cols="50">


Now of course you are seeing my code and you will want to change the wording to reflect what you want your form to say. I have made the words to change to your liking Bold.


This code originally came from   

It's Inevitable

Doctor is thinking
There has to be a better way........
click to expand
My new daily visitor
wild birds
Thanksgiving dinner? Nope! Click pic for larger view
Click pic for larger view
hit counter

My how time flies.

Today is April 5, 2020.

I have been a Jimdo (free)

member for near 100 years...... Where does time go?


Having too much fun


I've been quite busy


Life is still Good 


 A psychopath is better

        than no path


Every day is

home made bread day


Every night is

home made pizza night


All is well with new Jimdo changes and editor.